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What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty that primarily affects reading and writing skills. However, it can also manifest in various other difficulties such as:


  • Weak short-term memory

  • Letter confusion (e.g., b/d)

  • Limited comprehension

  • Trouble distinguishing left from right

  • Lack of confidence

  • Lower self-esteem and motivation

  • Struggles with multi-tasking

  • Strong verbal skills contrasted with weaker written expression

  • Inconsistent errors (e.g., spelling a word correctly one day and not the next)

  • Challenges with organisation and time management


Signs of dyslexia usually become more obvious when children start school and begin to focus on reading and writing. However, no two people with dyslexia are exactly the same, so any student could have a mix of these signs.

Signs of Dyslexia


  • Writes slowly or hesitantly

  • Written work doesn't match verbal ability

  • Confusion with similar-looking letters

  • Messy handwriting with multiple attempts and crossings-out

  • Poorly organised work on the page, like not staying within margins

  • Spelling a word in various ways

  • Spelling errors not fitting with age or overall ability, such as missing letters, adding or swapping them, or using unusual spellings.


  • Struggles to grasp letter names and sounds

  • Fails to identify familiar words

  • Encounters challenges when reading aloud

  • Omits or adds words while reading

  • Difficulty blending and segmenting words

  • Reading lacks fluency and accuracy

  • Exhibits poor comprehension after reading


  • Struggles to follow instructions

  • Appears distracted and inattentive, often described as "dreamy"

  • Easily loses focus during lessons

  • Frequently feels exhausted after school hours

  • Tends to avoid completing tasks


  • Struggles with understanding place value or mathematical symbols

  • Finds it hard to learn how to tell the time

  • Encounters difficulty memorising times tables

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